They usually land on their front legs, which help them balance while their back legs spring forward into position to push off for another leap forward. They can leap forward great distances with a single push from their back legs.
Rabbits boast back legs that are long and quite strong. After all, you don't see people walking around with human feet on their keychains for good luck! A rabbit's foot is quite different from a human foot. Have you ever stopped to WONDER why bunnies hop instead of walk like humans? The simple answer is: they were made to hop. What about how they move? Do they walk like humans? Of course not! Everyone knows what bunnies do: they hop! What do you know about rabbits? They supposedly love carrots, right? You see them everywhere you look when Easter rolls around. With those big ears and eyes and tiny twitching noses, bunnies can melt our hearts in seconds, making us want to cuddle and hug them. Do you love rabbits? We do! Who wouldn't? They're super soft, furry, and adorable.